Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grounding, Dance, and Scouts

Yesterday I woke up to Duncan in my room in pain. Samantha had decided it was a good idea to kick him in the goods. She was cooking her pancake on a stick, in the microwave. There was 1 second left before it beeped and Duncan opened the door. Samantha decided that was rude and kicked him. Then when I got mad at her she punched Duncan because he told on her. We had a nice talk and she was grounded for the day. I'm not sure it even made a difference though. The girl can decide anything is what she wanted.

Sam had Ballet & Tap. I'd have kept her home if it wasn't so close to the recital. She is quite the monkey.

Tori played with Jason in the back yard for a while. She pushes him on the swing, and he doesn't let go for anything. If she tells him it's time to get off and go inside he holds on tighter and leans back. So she pushes him some more. He is starting to wrap her around his finger too.

Duncan had scouts. The did service projects. The help our neighbor finish laying sod, and then had cookies down at one of the leaders houses. He's quite enjoying scouts!!!

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