Brett spent the morning playing soccer so that he could get his E license for coaching. I decided to take the initiative and took the kids grocery shopping. Usually I wait for Brett or go shopping at night but figured it would get the shopping done while my husband was gone and then we could spend the evening relaxing. I was going to go to costco but the off ramp I usually take was closed, so I took the next off ramp and went to Wal-mart. I usually don't grocery shop there but was quite glad I went there. They were having a fun little decorate your own father's day cake activity. So Duncan, Tori, and Samantha decorate 6 cupcakes each. They had a ball.
Then we went home and waited for Daddy. The kids were so excited Samantha met Brett at the door and told him to keep his eyes closed because they had a surprise for him.
Of course like all my good posts there isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Brett thinks he might have torn his calf muscle again. He had 5 minutes left in the training and he felt his calf pop. He's been gimping around ever since. I'm hoping it's not as bad as the last time. He was basically laid up for 6 weeks. Which if my memory serves, I was pregnant and throwing up at the time. Keep your fingers crossed for him. He really doesn't get hurt or sick too often so I'm hoping that it starts feeling better quickly.
Then we spent the evening at my in-laws for Father's Day. My mother-in-law made tacos and we all sat and visited and discussed our favorite books. My (Step) Father-in-law is awesome! He loves my kids, he plays with them, and he is always looking out for their best interest. I swear he knows everything, and if he doesn't know it he fakes it. We had a good discussion at my frustration with my baby and his constant need to go. He's not sure, as are we, if he really is so rambunctious or if it is his hearing loss that keeps him constantly in his own world. I think this will be the hardest part of raising Jason. Making sure to not critisize him for his hearing loss, while still raising him to be a good kid. Well, I'll post some more tomorrow for father's day.
You will be OK. Just keep going. I have REALLY tough times still and Marshall is 4 yrs old. Sometimes I just have to take it one day at a time.
Do you guys sign with Jason? You should email me and let me know where you live so we can get together. We could meet up at the Discovery Gateway Museum, or whatever it's called.
I hope today was better for you.
Yes!! Today was better. Nursery is always a blessing!!! He's doing well. We are signing with him, but he can hear with one ear so he is hearing a little bit as well. That would be fun. I'll email you.
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