Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Dentist

Tori, Samantha, and I had a Dentist appointment today. Usually this isn't that big of a deal, there is always someone to watch Jason............

Ok, well maybe not. My mother and father-in-law are helping with girls camp. My parents were both working. My only sister that lives close to me just had a baby. My friend Audri is out of town......crap!!!! So the girls got there teeth cleaned and checked while I held Jason and we watched Animaniacs on the computer and then I attempted to hold Jason on my lap when it was my turn. All I can say is it's a dang good thing that I'm not afraid of the dentist cause this would have been torture!!!! Oh, wait.....it was!

1 comment:

Hit 40 said...

We are going to the dentist tomorrow!!