Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to School

I'm loving both Tori and Samantha's teachers. I am very hopeful for this year. First I visited Tori's class. Mrs. Daines is going to be sooooo good for Tori. She is teaching them positive affirmations, visualizing success, friendliness and unity. Keep your fingers crossed that these things will sink in. She also asked the kids to write their parents a love letter. When I read Tori's I thought it was just a little bit too poetic so I assumed the teacher and given them ideas or had them copy something. I picked up the card next to me to check it out and it was completely different. My Tori might grow up to be a Poet.
Here is a picture of her card. It says,

I Love you Mommy and Daddy. In troubled times you make me smile. If love was running I'd run many a mile. Thanks for raising me the way I am! School is great!! I have great friends. and a great teacher.

Love this girl!

Samantha's teacher is also very wonderful. I do think that Samantha will learn a lot from this teacher. They are already working on 9 times tables. She does this first so the kids won't be worn out before they get to the hard numbers, and then when they are bored with times tables they will only have the easy ones to memorize. On Monday Samantha wasn't so sure about her teacher. She told me she got yelled at because she was talking. To which we replied to get a long with her teacher she had to keep her lip zipped. She has done better, and she asked me to tell her something. "Mommy, will you tell Mrs. Simmons she is doing a good job with me?" This put a broad smile on the teachers face and a pretty good chuckle was had.

Love this girl, as well!

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