Saturday, July 17, 2010


Friday was my, "Please let this day get by faster, so Brett can get home!" day. I'm just not used to doing the cooking everyday, along with trying to work, and taking care of the house, and the kids. It just wore on me.

Duncan had a 10 mile hike that morning and then he went on his first overnighter. He had to bring the dessert. This he didn't find out about until he went hiking. So I didn't know about it until he got home at 1:30pm. Thank goodness Brownies don't take that long to make.
Then we went to Shar's for a BBQ with the Siddoway clan. Again, it was a lot of fun!!! I had Meghan go around and take random pictures for me. She was sweet, and bored, so she helped me out.

Here's Jackson looking all grown up.
The Horton girls!
Wes and My girls. I felt bad that Duncan wasn't there. For some reason I thought the Anderson boys were staying home. Sorry Wesley!
Brendan, Jackson, and Emily. Go Em!
Sam loves Chewy!!!
Tori bugging the boys.
Red rover, red rover, send everyone right over.

Meghan and Baby Anne!!
Meghan and Sherri
Christian and Becca
The crowd!!
Tori is my pretty girl.
Jason was tired. I think we stayed a little too late.
John's new boat. Jason just couldn't resist climbing inside it.
Aw.......Male Bonding! So cute!!!

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