I'm just getting back to normalcy. We spent the 15th-21st in Florida. We got to go with Grandma and Grandpa Child, and Grandma and Grandpa Siddoway. 6 adults to 4 kids, I think we had good numbers.
It was quite the long flight but the kids did really well.

The first day we went to the Magic Kingdom. Grandma Siddoway made these really cute shirts for the kids. Disneyholics is right!
We stopped at Guest Services and told them about Jason and the girls. About how waiting in lines could be a really rough thing for my kids, and asked if there was anything they could do to help us have a better experience at the parks. They gave us some passes, that let us get in all the fast pass lanes. I felt guilty about using the kids "Disabilities" for about 5 minutes. It was AWESOME!!

Day two we went to Disney's Animal Kingdom. We hadn't been here before, so it was a new experience for just about everyone. Tori got a little tougher and went on all the rides that Duncan did. For the most part she enjoyed everything. Samantha however is still my little girl. She was afraid of just about everything. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, and then went out to the rides again. Jason had crashed in the restaurant, thank goodness. He had a good couple hours of sleep in the stroller.

Day three we went to Universal Studio. They also gave us a few Express Passes to help with the wait. Jason didn't get to go on many rides here so he was a little bit more frustrated then he was at Disney.
However, Duncan and Tori went on just about everything. Samantha even went on the water rides, which by the way get you soaked. Non of them are meant to keep you dry!!!!

Day 4 we went to the Kennedy Space Center. I wouldn't have even worried about this stop but my Mother insisted on taking the kids somewhere Educational. The kids loved it!! It was quite fun and Duncan and Tori were very inspired.

Day 5 we went to Epcot and then back the the Magic Kingdom. The kids were tired, Samantha and Jason were ready to go home. Duncan and Tori could have probably gone another week. Grandma Siddoway took Jason back to the hotel to give him a break. He hid in the bottom of the clam car on the Finding Nemo ride and that was the end of that. We ate lunch in Mexico at Epcot, and then the rain started to downpour. We stuck it out and had some pastries in France. Samantha went back to the hotel at this point with Grandma and Grandpa Child. Then the rest of us headed over to the Magic Kingdom to hit a couple of rides, and pick up the kids souvenirs.