Monday, October 18, 2010

Crazy Hair Day

It is crazy hair day at school tomorrow. We did their hair tonight in the hopes that I won't have to do it in the morning.

Tori wanted to be Pippy Longstockings.
Samantha said she wanted pig tails all over her head.
Duncan had Brett shave the top of his head and is going to fluff up the sides for good measure. He was due for a hair cut anyway. =)


EmmaVerdona124 said...

LOL Pippi Longstocking!

I had a collection of those books as a kid!
you people should try to read them, it's a good story!

Melanie Lutz said...

Emma, that is one series I haven't read. I do need to hunt them down.

EmmaVerdona124 said...

there's always Barnes and Noble and of course, the book fair at schools!

that's where I usually get those books!