Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We have had to spend a bit of money the last couple of days. I needed new front tires. The van would wobble like there was a flat tire. Even though they were full. So we got those replaced. Also, our box springs broke. My poor husband would wake up everyday in a major amount of pain. I sat on his side of the bed yesterday and I walked away 15 minutes later with a huge back ache. I made the decision and we went to the D.I. and bought a brand new box spring. I think that Brett was just trying to tough it out. He is a pretty unselfish man. Someday I wouldn't mind getting a new mattress as well, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. I called Brett this morning, and asked how he was feeling. He said he was doing pretty good. His back still hurt, but he thinks that was residual left over from the last few days.

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