Tuesday, December 20, 2011

November 5th and 6th

Duncan had a camp out this weekend.  It had been fairly warm, but the weather man said to expect snow.  I don't think Duncan would have wanted to go but they were going to be shooting the next day, and they wouldn't have been able to shoot if they didn't go on the camp out.  The real draw was one of the Scout leaders was going to be bringing he AK-47.  A must do so he went to the camp out.

The fun was the struggle I had getting Duncan to pack correctly.  Seriously!!!  First he left his coat in his locker.  Coats are uncool in Jr. High.  I told him to get his butt inside and get his coat.  He fought me.  "They close the halls to students now, they won't let me get it."  I told him if I had to lead him by the hand inside to get his coat I would do it.  So he finally went inside and was able to get his coat.

When we got home he fought me about how many blankets he needed, whether he need long johns, whether gloves and a hat would be necessary.  If it would be more beneficial to back the water proof pading over the old egg shell.  It was RIDICULOUS!!!!

By the time he was in the car I was advising the leaders that it would be ok to leave him up there.  (Joking of course.)

The next morning Brett went to help with Bountiful Baskets and the troop was home eating breakfast at the scout leaders house.  They got a foot of snow dumped on them.  One of the other boys told Duncan to knock the snow off the tent.  So Duncan smacked the side of the tent right where a tent pole was and he broke the pole, collapsing the tent.  So instead of trying to eat breakfast in that insanity they packed up and came home.

They ran up to the shooting range and Duncan was ecstatic!!!  It didn't matter how much snow dumped on him, he was going shooting.  I guess an AK-47 is worth any amount of misery.

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