Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good, Better, Best

Yesterday was crazy!!!! Brett's back is hurting him something fierce. He is struggling because his hip and lower back muscles are cramping because of the intense work out we've been doing. He went to the doctor to see what he needs to do to make this better. That started our day at 8:30am. I ran Jason to school and then went back to the doctor to pick up Brett. He will be starting some physical therapy, but has not been restricted from going to the gym. He just needs to lighten up on the squats and lunges for a while.

Then I came home and recorded a song on Tori's Ipod for my school class. The kids LOVE music and it does me good as well. I have an old speaker of my brothers that I bought an adapter for so that I can plug the Ipod into and then my kids that are hard of hearing can also hear or feel the music as necessary. Then of course as we sing we do the signs for them. It's a lot of fun, and I'm increasing my signing vocabulary by doing this.

My speaker adapter I noticed had broken so we ran over to radio shack to pick another one up, and then had to get Samantha to go to the Dentist. Brett dropped us off and then went to go get Jason. As Samantha and I walked into the office she said, "Hi you don't have an appointment today."


So I rescheduled the appointment that was set for the next day so that I wouldn't have to worry about getting a sub, and started walking down the street while calling Brett to have him come back and get us. I ran to my in-laws to pick up some pictures I'd taken of my school kids in there George Washington Hat and then ran back to school!!!

In the middle of everything a district person showed up to talk to my teacher, and let us know that one of our students would be transferring by the end of the week. I'll miss him, but I won't miss having to put him in time out every five minutes. So the day seemed to drag on forever. Then the signing specialist dropped by to give me some paperwork to work with one of the students in science. I'll be looking up science signs for the rest of forever!!! =)

Got home, and went to the gym...........

Now to the title of this post. I swear life can't get anymore chaotic. I feel guilty going to the gym, but I know how important it is for me and my family. I need to be able to keep up with Jason. But, what is good, better, and best???? Hmmmmm.........

This is going to be one of those things that is on my mind for a while. Dallin H. Oaks on of the 12 Apostles for my church gave a talk in 2007. It is used over, and over again in church so it is one that I'm becoming very familiar with. Here is the talk. It's a good read. We'll see if life mellows out any time soon.......

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