Friday, August 15, 2014


Duncan's Solo and Ensemble.  Much better than last year.

Duncan and Tori being Duncan and Tori.  I love that they still enjoy each other's company!

Eye appointments can be boring, but Samantha always entertains us.

Samantha made a zebra cake.  I think she did a fantastic job, and it even tasted good!  

Momma's tired selfie

I'm not sure what was going on here, but on Facebook I put, "save me Jason."  Duncan must have been in trouble again.

This was the conversation/argument I walked into.  
Tori: "well we'd run into the sewers and I would get batman and so I'd win."
Brett: "then I would bring a pizza with me and the ninja turtles would be with me and take out batman."
This went on for over twenty minutes.#geeksatmyhouse #thejoyofparenthood

Jason just loves snuggling with Mama....or maybe he just thinks that's where I belong.

Yup....he just thinks that's where we belong.

Duncan stuck his finger in a light socket....and he really needed to shave.

Waiting....waiting....waiting....somedays I think that's all Jason and I do....

I crocheted Duncan a Newsies hat.  (I don't know where it is now, but I think it looked good.)

Brett and Duncan speak a different language.  Brett was trying to explain something to Duncan, and this was his example.  I soooooo don't understand it.

I found these valentines online.  We printed them out for Samantha.  She was absolutely ecstatic about Grumpy Cat.

Daddy helped Sam with her Valentines Cake Box.

And I made this one for Jason.  He loves Inspector Gadget.

Tori had a Valentine's Party at a friends house.  She fits right in with her friends.  It makes me happy she found a group of friends that lets her be her quirky self.

Samantha had her Patriotic Program

Sometimes we get smiles....sometimes we get screams.  Today we got smiles.

Child family fun day at the Natural History Museum.

Samantha's piano lessons

Duncan had High School orientation.  WEIRD!

I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Jason wasn't in bed with us.  I went to check on him and couldn't find him.  I started to panic.  I turned the flashlight on my phone and found him in bed with Samantha.  How cute is that? 

A good end to the month of February

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